Frequently Asked Questions:
How long would I be in this study? How many study visits are there?
Your participation in this study will last for 18 months. There will be follow-up visits (in-person or
virtual) at 3, 6, and 12 months. The research team will make brief follow-up contact through mail or
email at 18 months to assess any recent cardiac events and rehospitalization.
What will happen if I participate?
The study team will meet with you to assess eligibility and explain the study. You will be randomized to
one of two groups. Both groups will be provided a step counter and asked to download the Trainerize
mobile app. Both groups will be asked to complete brief fitness tests and questionnaires. If you are randomized to the intervention group, you will also receive additional tailored coaching and be added
to a team of other participants to help you along your fitness journey.
Will I need to meet in person?
If you are unable to meet the study team at UCSF or UC Davis, the study procedures will be done by
phone, email, or video visit. You may also have the study materials mailed to your home with a
prepaid return envelope.
Will I be paid if I take part in this study?
Yes! In return for your time and effort, you will be paid $200 for taking part and completing this study.
We will give all participants $20 in the form of a gift card at baseline. Participants will receive additional
$60 gift cards for the follow-up visits at month 3, 6 and 12.
Do I need to take part in this research study?
No. Taking part in research is voluntary. If you don’t wish to take part, there is no penalty and you will
not lose your current benefits. Please reach out to the study team with any questions.