Study Criteria

The study team is recruiting English speaking participants at UCSF and both English and
Spanish speaking participants at UC Davis.

Who Is Eligible?:

  • Must be at least 55 years old
  • Must have a history of cardiovascular disease (heart attack, percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting, heart failure, valve replacement, etc.)
  • Must have completed at least 1 month of Phase II cardiac rehab (Phase II is an outpatient program after hospital discharge
  • Must have attended at least 50% of cardiac rehab sessions

Who Is NOT Eligible?:

  • Anyone who participated in Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation (Phase III is a more intensive outpatient program completed after Phase II to maintain physical activity)
  • Anyone with cognitive impairment
  • Anyone with unstable cardiac conditions
  • Anyone who does not meet the fluency/literacy requirements listed at each site (English if a patient at UCSF, English OR Spanish if a patient at UC Davis)